

Power Factor Correction
January 26, 2022
Why is power factor important? Because, if your system isn’t performing efficiently, you may be paying for power that you cannot use to power your business and equipment. No one wants that! Improving your power factor may result in less current being drawn, less heat and greater productivity and longevity for your electrical system. So, yes, power factor correction can be extremely beneficial, especially when it comes to reducing the cost of your electricity bill.
Lighting Protection Installation Brisbane Gold Coast
January 26, 2022
Lightning strikes are an unpredictable natural phenomenon, and one we often experience here in Queensland, especially during our long, hot summers. It will strike without warning or reason on buildings, antennas, and other made-made structures. Did you know that an average lightning bolt can carry a current of 10,000 to 30,000 amps? And that the temperature of a lightning bolt can be up to 30,000°C?
Decorative lighting
January 26, 2022
Why is lighting so important, you might ask? And how can it transform your business, home, or event? It’s simple. The right lights can drastically change the impact of your space and completely transform the look, feel, and ambience.  In fact, light is perhaps one of the most important elements in interior design, no matter what the space.  Lighting plays with our perceptions, creates unique sensations and experiences and can completely change a design.
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